Keep your carpet looking its best with our professional carpet cleaning service.
While some cleaning companies in the Winston-Salem, North Carolina area have a longer list of things they don’t do than things they will, that is not the case when you call on us at GrimeGuru Janitorial Service. The ceiling to the floor and everything in between is within our wheelhouse, including taking care of your professional carpet cleaning. If you have needed several different companies to keep your office, medical facility, church, bank, or other commercial building clean and healthy, you can appreciate how beneficial it would be to have one company in charge of it all.
We practice eco-friendly cleaning, and that pertains to even our professional carpet cleaning. By not using harsh chemicals, you won’t have staff members or customers complaining about headaches or other side effects. The only thing you’ll notice is clean carpets and a fresh scent that will appeal to everyone.
We have compiled an excellent team of dedicated cleaning professionals, and although they are great at what they do, we have stringent quality control measures in place to ensure everything is done to our highest standards. There will be a site supervisor on the job when you call for professional carpet cleaning or any of our cleaning services.
You have the option of being set up on a schedule for professional carpet cleaning or request service on a will-call basis when you notice your carpeting looking a bit worse for wear. Either way, we’ll make it look like new again with exceptional attention to detail and state-of-the-art carpet cleaning equipment and techniques.
If you would like to know more about our professional carpet cleaning or any of our commercial cleaning services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
At GrimeGuru Janitorial Service, we offer professional carpet cleaning services to those in Winston-Salem, King, Danbury, Pilot Mountain, East Bend, Elkin, Greensboro, High Point, Bermuda Run, Clemmons, Mount Airy, Kernersville, Lewisville, Dobson, Jamestown, and Yadkinville, North Carolina.